News brief: Mossyrock hit with a batch of black and white anonymous messages


Police want to find out who left this message imprinted around town. / Courtesy photo

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

Mossyrock Police Chief Jeremy Stamper was hoping to get a closer look today of video footage of the subjects who left numerous instances of graffiti at the middle school, on at least one church and around town over the weekend.

The black and white stencil and spray paint image was repeated on street signs, businesses and the back door of the Mossyrock Assemblies of God Church on Williams Street, according to Stamper.

The block letters accompanied by some sort of coat of arms claim “We are anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, expect us,” according to Stamper.

He said he did some research and it appears to be associated with something like Internet hackers. A recent popular documentary may have given someone the idea, he said.

“The school was by far the worst, with 21 spots on windows, doors, well, all over the place for the most part,” Stamper said.

Surveillance images show two people at about 11:30 p.m. on Friday leaving the markings at the school, he said. It was discovered on Saturday morning and a quick review of the video suggests they might be high school-aged, he said.

Stamper said he may not recognize the culprits, but someone will.

“Hopefully we can enhance it,” he said.

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40 Responses to “News brief: Mossyrock hit with a batch of black and white anonymous messages”

  1. Bustybabe says:


  2. GuiltyBystander says:

    And this is a 16-month-old story about a couple of middle schoolers with a can of spray paint. Why revisit the insignificant?

  3. Solid 'C' Student says:

    I think the idea for this came from watching a documentary about
    some one doing the same thing on the streets around Manhattan a few years ago.

  4. #OpVisforVikingsEngaged says:


  5. #OpVisforVikingsEngaged says:

    I am Guy Fawks’ overwhelming urge to facepalm.

  6. A.Anonymous says:

    Oh dear people of Mossyrock and this tiny news thread/post. Are you all this ignorant? We targeted your town because we can. Operation “failures” outlines the reasons for this and future targeting. You should do some research. You really think a few tags were merely to cause some property damage? If we wanted to damage your property we would have set it on fire. Also, if we wanted to cause vandalism with paint then why would we use water based spray paint? And for those who think we’re dumb enough to buy our supplies from the local area are too ignorant to have to the right to comment on what we do. So just shut your ignorant mouths. And by “we”, this commenter means anonymous. We will not disclose whether or not the fingers typing this message did or did not press a stencil to your buildings. You miss the point here people. It was not about causing damage nor was it about simple kicks and laughs. No, rather it was to start a conversation. It was to send a message. The best way to spread a message is by a series of events that people cannot ignore. Our tagging was simply the first of many activities that have and will be taking place in Mossyrock and many small towns in the area. Why you ask? Because this message needs to be heard. Our tagging did its job. It started a conversation. It gave people a reason to research. To find out and begin the process of enlightenment. We’re starting in small towns because many times they are the most ignorant and need the most help. In order to cause a large movement, you need to start with smaller ones. Smaller fires grow into bigger ones. Many small fires converge to create something unstoppable. The tagging was just to begin this process. Mossyrock will be receiving many gifts from anonymous. Gifts like information being posted around town. Information that is designed to cause some thinking. Also, watch your city websites. School, police, community, all these websites have been targeted. When the time is right we will be shutting these down to prove this is not a joke. For those who think we are not the “real” anonymous need to open their eyes. No one is “really” anonymous. Anonymous is everyone. What don’t you understand about that? We are not just hackers. Hacking is a very small part of what we do. It is merely a tool we use to implement our cause. The second anyone decides that they agree with what those in anonymous convey then they are now anonymous. “Anonymous” is not a single anything. That’s the point. It is the mask we use so that someone can point a finger. It is an idea. And because ideas are faceless, we decided to give ours a face that we all can share. So furthermore, thank you Mossyrock locals for doing your part. You have successfully completely the first phase of this operation.
    You have spoken.
    We have heard.

    We are anonymous.
    We are legion.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Expect us.

  7. mossy says:

    The middle school was not hit the hardest with the graffiti. The hardest hit was the area on the back side of the elementary building, which is the least exposed to the main street. It’s the longest building. One of the runways on the track was also hit, along with the high school building. I’m certain it was high school kids…I guess we’ll wait and see.

  8. David Low says:

    Police Chief Jeremy Stamper said he did some research and it appears to be associated with something like Internet hackers. A recent popular documentary may have given someone the idea, he said.
    Fluoride in the Water, GMO foods, Agenda 21, Vaccines, Us Government False Flag Terrorism, Non US resident President, The Police State, The so called weapons of mass destruction and the Bring Home the Troops Scam.
    The American people are sick of the Government’s lies. For starters the Vietnam war was started by the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, another Government false flag operation.
    When the shit hits the fan you can bet police uniforms will be nothing more than Rags……. Until then spray paint the town, heck spray paint the police chief’s dog and his squd car…….. Go anonymous. And remember Big Brother is watching you! So spray paint his camera Lens………………Keep up the good work anonymous……..

  9. Kyle says:

    I do believe it was most likely a middle school student, since the middle school was hit the hardest. They wanted it seen by their peers. An adult would have tagged a police station or a court house.

    It was probably perpetrated by individuals who are outsiders and feel that the school/government and town has done then wrong in some way, possible even that a justice has been left undone.

    I find it highly unlikely that Mossyrock was sought out as a recruitment ground as online recruitment would be more effective for such a group.

  10. Dominoe says:

    While ur all busy in a debate about how asshole kids become assholes, no one has even established that it was kids who did this. I doubt if it was any real members of this group, probably copy cats, but, I also seriously doubt it was kids or teenagers. OLJ u usually make some valid points, I’m guessing u don’t have any children of ur own? While yes it’s very true, shitty parents mostly breed shitty kids…bad kids also come from good homes and good kids from bad homes. Nature VS Nurture…do some reading on it all of u. Pro Snitch I agree u should not have kids. Jeff ur undeserved sense of superiority is nauseating.

  11. Kyle says:

    Yes, Johnson DNA does have some impact in things like height, weight, Medical history even cognitive response. These are then backed by learned behaviors by peers, what foods to eat, how to interact with society and a moral basis. Although, it could be determined that a child’s behavior is in direct correlation with the parents own neglect of guidance or even DNA markers that lead to such behaviors, it is not always so. A human body contains more DNA than is used in the construction of an individual. That being said, it is possible for a child to gain qualities passed on by a parent that the parent does not have itself; this is why traits sometimes skip a generation. So, the kid could turn out troublesome due to residual DNA and vice versa. It is also possible for two parents who each have DNA markers, which harmless by themselves are a toxic combination when combined.
    Another factor to look at is outside stimuli. A negative behavior does not always develop in the home. Friends and authority figures have a huge role in this. Friends are accountable for how we see most of the world. They are responsible for peer pressure and a cute girl or boy who one wants to impress can hold a lot of power over ones actions. This behavior is not even limited to just friends; we are influenced by the strangers around us. If someone is getting beat up on the street and no one else is doing anything about it or even giving the situation any attention, a person is less likely to engage. Their mind tends to tell them that they must be missing something that everyone else knows.
    Other things such as traumatic experiences can also lead to one’s development. A child who is molested has a decision to make, do they grow up to become a molester themselves in order to justify the things that were done to them or do they grow up promising themselves that such events will never happen to their children. The answer is not as clear cut as one might think and it is a path that comes up for a multiple of things like, abuse, suicide, and drug addiction. Sometimes these events make for a better and stronger individual but more times than not the individual grows up with the belief “It happened to me and I turned out okay” and the pattern continues.
    In short a child’s behavioral development is not based on DNA and home life alone. They can act out for many reasons, most of which I haven’t even started to scratch the surface on. A child is just that, a child, their brain is underdeveloped, they have more hormones flowing through their body than they know what to do with, they are sponges that soak up what’s around them and interpret it in a way that makes sense to them and yes, they may be cursed with genetic faults.

  12. Old Long Johnson says:

    @ mossy

    “I have seen examples of both things you say can’t happen. Good kids from bad homes and bad kids from good homes. ”

    Quit lying to yourself!!!

    Children are a REFLECTION of their PARENTS. A child carries HALF of each parents DNA. It’s basically HALF YOU!!!!

    If your child is a piece of shit, half of it is directly because of either you or your spouse.

    You think your child is just a random production of nature? I guess I can see your point there. It makes it much easier to shift blame from yourself to vague causes like happenstance or bad luck.

    Nope, if your child does shitty things, then you as a parent must admit that you’re kind of a shitbag too.

  13. Old Long Johnson says:

    “Whereas socialists/communists like Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot or the wonderful Kim Dynasty of North Korea have never brought war and death upon the innocent like capitalists have.”

    Therefore it was stupid to have kids during those regimes too!

    What purpose does it serve to bring children up to glorify war and violence?

    Even the slave that were brought to work the plantations here in the good ol’ usa gave birth to more children.

    And why? To produce more slaves!! Why? Because they were f’n stupid.

    It takes at LEAST a million dollars to raise a child with all the bells and whistles in today’s world. How many of you are millionaires? How many of you have even taken the time to find out the cost of raising a child?

    I rest my case.

  14. Old Long Johnson says:

    You really enjoy calling people names.

    No doubt you treat your own children in the same way.

    Horrible parents.

  15. GuiltyBystander says:

    “I’m never having kids because to do so would exposing an innocent human being into a capitalist world full of death and war.”

    Whereas socialists/communists like Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot or the wonderful Kim Dynasty of North Korea have never brought war and death upon the innocent like capitalists have. Sheesh.

  16. mossy says:

    Old Long Johnson…you are a complete delusional idiot. I have seen examples of both things you say can’t happen. Good kids from bad homes and bad kids from good homes. You are the one who is completely wrong and misinformed. You’re just making yourself look stupid.

  17. Old Long Johnson says:

    “There are no perfect parents.”

    Just another way of saying, “it’s not my fault!”

    You quote God in the same breath you blame Him.

    Shame on you.

  18. Professional Snitch says:

    I’m never having kids because to do so would exposing an innocent human being into a capitalist world full of death and war.

    Just the fact that you diaper sniffing professional moms can have the time to sit here and lecture a bachelor on the morality of parenthood just proves my point.

    You’re a horrible parent. You should be a worker bee, not a reproducer.

  19. Just A Mom says:

    TO Old Long Johnson,
    let’s look at some parents of BAD kids
    #1 Adam and Eve, one son KILLED the other son. Kinda BAD, wouldn’t you say?
    #2 God, his first kid Adam, ate that fruit and send us all down a different road.
    #3 Every Dad and Mom since Adam and Eve!
    Kids are born with a will of their own, and when they are little you can “mold” them and raise them ‘good’, but when they are grown and out on there own they are going to do whatever it is they want to do.
    There are no perfect parents.
    My guess is : your kids (if you even have kids) are very young, and I hope you don’t have to eat your words. I HOPE your kids turn out “good”.
    But don’t bet on it.

  20. Just A Mom says:

    TO Old Long Johnson,
    let’s look at some parents of BAD kids
    #1 Adam and Eve, one son KILLED the other son. Kinda BAD, wouldn’t you say?
    #2 God, his first kid Adam, ate that fruit and send us all down a different road.
    #3 Every Dad and Mom since Adam and Eve!
    Kids are born with a will of their own, and when they are little you can “mold” them and raise them ‘good’, but when they are grown and out on there own they are going to do whatever it is they want to do.
    There are no perfect parents.
    My guess is : your kids (if you even have kids) are very young, and I hope you don’t have to eat your words. I HOPE your kids turn out “good”.

  21. Old Long Johnson says:

    “These are the parents who don’t think their kids do anything wrong and blame everybody else for their kids’ mistakes… be it teachers, law enforcement officers, friends, etc. However, that doesn’t mean that good kids, raised by good parents, don’t also do dumb things. To think otherwise is ignorant, inaccurate and narrow minded.”

    Nope, you’re completely wrong. Good parent raise good people. If your child does this kind of stuff, it means you’re a bad parent.

    It’s impossible to be a bad parent and raise a normal good child. It can’t happen. You can make all the arguments and excuses, but you’re just fooling yourself.

    Likewise, a kid raised properly will act accordingly. If you are bringing up your child in a postitive and healthy manner and they still do dumb stuff, then you’re obviously not being a good enough parent.

    But instead of admitting that parents sometimes do horrible things that make their children act out and then making up excuses not only makes you a bad parent, but it also makes you ignorant and narrow minded.

    Your child’s shitty behavior is not just a one-off act or an anomoly. Your child’s misbehavior, no matter how good a parent you think you are, is a sign of deep seated emotional distress.

    Enjoy your vandalism.

  22. mossy says:

    I am confident that this idiotic and immature act was done by kids. Not sure what they were trying to convey with their message, but all it did was make a big mess to be cleaned up. Nothing more. If they were trying to scare us, it didn’t work. Regarding the ignorant comment about if parents raised their kids correctly and took them to church…there are PLENTY of kids who have been raised correctly AND been raised in church, who have made stupid decisions and rebelled against how they were raised. Yes, there are definitely also plenty of irresponsible parents who have raised irresponsible kids. These are the parents who don’t think their kids do anything wrong and blame everybody else for their kids’ mistakes… be it teachers, law enforcement officers, friends, etc. However, that doesn’t mean that good kids, raised by good parents, don’t also do dumb things. To think otherwise is ignorant, inaccurate and narrow minded. I won’t be surprised to find out the family dynamics of the kids who did this, good or bad. I also have no doubt they will get caught. People talk in this small town. Expect it.

  23. Jeff says:

    Does anyone else find it amusing that someone calling themselves anonymous refers to someone else as a coward? To answer some of the questions posted that the true coward won’t answer, he won’t go to the capital to protest because he is afraid to put a face behind his nonsense. Taking ownership of their ideas is not how a coward operates. He won’t get involved by running for any office because he has nothing to offer besides complaints. The local kids who did this tagging have no idea why they did it. It had no more meaning than smashing a mailbox or breaking windows. Nothing more than sheer boredom. But there will always be someone who will try to turn it into something more. The nice thing about a rural place like Mossyrock is that someone will catch these idiots while they’re doing this and justice will take care of itself. Then they will whine about being abused and the rest of us can laugh and laugh…..

  24. Old Long Johnson says:

    “You can’t really think a little church like Richland Valley Church of the Brethren, which was also tagged, did this to themselves, do you?”

    Yes because it’s a small town and they need to look after each other. Didn’t Hillary say, “It takes a village?” And didn’t Jesus say something about a lost lamb and how important it is to find it and bring it back to the flock?

    How much vandalism would have occured had the culprits been going to church and being raised properly?

    Probably zero.

    You see, Mossyrock is not the “big city”. So, it shouldn’t have “big city” problems like grafitti and gangs, but it does.

    I guess raising kids in responsible and healthy ways and exposing them to the community and religion is just too much to ask these days.

    Enjoy your vandalism and “big city” crime.

  25. GuiltyBystander says:

    “I don’t think destroying your own property in an attempt to bring negative attention to someone else is not a positive use of time or energy.”

    Think you got one more word in there than you needed, OLJ. Got your point, though. You can’t really think a little church like Richland Valley Church of the Brethren, which was also tagged, did this to themselves, do you? This probably was NOT Anonymous that did the tagging because they have bigger fish to fry than a town of 500.

    As Soaper says, Anonymous HAS done things I can agree with…going after the Cult of Scientology is one (that’s where the spray-painted phrase came from), as was taking on those dirtbags in the Westboro Baptist Church, including hateful Shirley Phelps-Roper. I DID have a problem with them attacking Visa, MasterCard and PayPal websites because that could’ve screwed with innocent people’s accounts.

  26. Soaper says:

    Like others have said this probably is not the work of a real Anonymous member. Most likely just some poseurs.

    Or who knows maybe Anonymous is recruiting out in the east end. Mossyrock is on the cutting edge of technology and at the forefront of the underground hacker scene. So actually I guess it makes sense that Anonymous would be scouting the talent out there.

    The real Anonymous actually gets behind some good causes that more of us should take the time to look into and support. They are very proficient in their computer skills that is for sure. I’ve lost track of how many times they’ve brought down the computer systems of the FBI, Department of Justice, the White House, and many other highly secured targets and they’ve never been caught. Authorities don’t even know where to look. Well I guess now they do…Mossyrock.

  27. Harvey Suddarth says:

    It was not Anonymous that did this. Do you really think a group of computer hackers whose trademark is DoS (Denial of Service) attacks invaded Mossyrock to spray paint the buildings? Seriously?

    The guilty party here is kids that read something or saw a YouTube video and thought it would be cool to commit an act of vandalism.

    Three things:
    1. Parents raise your kids right so they don’t do things like this.
    2. Think before you assign reactionary blame.
    3 Catch the people that did this and let justice be served.

  28. Free Air says:

    Board + spray can + no original thought process = Anonymous tagging.

    Nothing more than brats with paint cans folks. The only way they are a threat to Mossyrock is if mama forgets to feed them.

  29. Old Long Johnson says:

    Here we go!!! Another conspiracy theory.

    Wake up folks. It’s just your damn kids being the brats that they are.

    If you don’t want your kids destroying property, then raise them right.

  30. Anonymous says:

    What a pathetic attempt to draw negative attention to OWS and Anonymous!

    If you guys hate anonymous so much, why don’t you find more creative ways to express yourselves?!?

    I don’t think destroying your own property in an attempt to bring negative attention to someone else is a positive use of your time or energy.

    Try writing letters or making phone calls to your state reps. Engaging in chilldish vandalism and then projecting the blame onto someone else is rather sly though.

    Nobody believes that the vandalism is the work of a highly organized and secretive worldwide network of anarchists, unless you’re somehow easily fooled and misled.

  31. Old Long Johnson says:

    What a pathetic attempt to draw negative attention to OWS and Anonymous!

    If you guys hate anonymous so much, why don’t you find more creative ways to express yourselves?!?

    I don’t think destroying your own property in an attempt to bring negative attention to someone else is not a positive use of time or energy.

    Try writing letters or making phone calls to your state reps.

    Nobody believes that the vandalism is the work of a highly organized and secretive worldwide network of anarchists, unless you’re somehow easily fooled and misled.

  32. Or better yet, try getting involved, run for office, get on a school board, help promote voting, do something positive. Volunteer your time tutoring, help little old ladies across the street. Do something besides complain and spout rhetoric.

  33. Kari oakie says:

    That ‘Anonymous’ crap is on Wikipedia and has been in various news articles, especially since ‘Occupy Wall Street’. ‘Anonymous’ probably doesn’t have transportation and is stuck in Mossyrock with a can of spraypaint. Somebody needs to go to the Mossyrock hardware store and see who has recently purchased stencils and spraypaint, and then rode into the sunset on their bicycle. Dumb punks. If you really want change, and you really want your voice heard, take yourself to the Capital campus and lobby and protest. Nobody will hear you in Mossyrock.

  34. NotAnonymous says:

    You said: “To offset the balance of stupidity and greed. That is all.

    Any other questions or “curiosities”?”

    How does painting over a school in podunk USA “balance stupidity”… and how does it battle greed?

    You might look up the word “rhetoric” or “bombastic”…. or better yet, “BS”.

  35. GuiltyBystander says:

    So to protest our corrupt government, Anonymous spray paints schools and churches? How does spray painting the door of a church constitute a threat to the government? Talk about not going against people who can fight back.

    Thanks for looking out for us, Anonymous. You’re really showing yourself to be a positive force in our society by spray painting churches and schools. That’ll show ’em.

  36. Anonymous says:

    “If you don’t like the US so much, why are you living here? Just curious.”

    To offset the balance of stupidity and greed. That is all.

    Any other questions or “curiosities”?

  37. Nikkie the Ninja. says:

    Some people just have too much time on their hands.
    Why on Gods Green Earth, would anyone tag in Mossyrock? One of the smallest towns in this county? People are so stupid.
    And to that Anonymous person, If you don’t like the US so much, why are you living here? Just curious.

  38. Anonymous says:

    You see, the united states government is like a pedophile rapist coward who only terrorizes the weak.

    Just like any other abusive POS, the US won’t go after those who can fight back.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous is a serious threat to governments worldwide. We are legion in that we have seen the crimes commited upon the innocent by lawless banks and corrupt government officials.

    We will not forgive because the crimes commited are unforgivable. Our sons, daughter, brother, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, LEGION were sold a LIE in order to sacrifice their lives for the pathetic excuses that rule ameriKKKa.

    We will not forget because you will always remember us as enemies when we are YOU looking back at YOURSELF.

    The united states is like a pedophile polygamist who enjoys beating the women in his non-consensual marriages. One day Uncle Sam hates Iraq because she seems like she might cheat on him so he drags her into the living room and beats her in front of Afghanistan and Syria.

    Then, Afghanistan (Uncle Sam’s prettiest non-particpating concubine) protests and is dragged into the bedroom to be beaten into submission.

    Then, Iran (Uncle Sam’s most intelligent reluctant wife) protests and Uncle Sam is about to stab her in the heart but backs off because he knows that if he toucher her, Iran’s sisters China and Russia will step in and put ol’ uncle rapist sam in his grave where he belongs.

  40. The Dirty Cop Enforcer says:

    Hackers LOL the people are sick of the Corrupt Government