New local news source coming soon

Watch for a new local news source coming soon in Lewis County, Wash.

Lewis County Sirens will feature news daily and when it happens of crime, police, fire and courts in greater Lewis County.

Readers will find news stories reported and written by award-winning journalist Sharyn L. Decker at

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5 Responses to “New local news source coming soon”

  1. Nanette Cline says:

    I will be reading this regularly. I am very interested in true crime. I just wish you were up north here in Snohomish County writing about my local news. 🙁

  2. Bill says:

    Very nice looks a lot like a blog…could suggest adding a section to the right for the most recent articles…maybe even a rating system for your followers….looking forward to more stories

  3. Dick says:

    Thanks Sharyn and good luck. I’ll be checking to read your stories.

  4. adminsharyn says:

    “…coming soon.” lol. thanks for taking a looksie.

  5. Barb Thompson says:

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to start following the news reported promptly and accurately in Lewis County!

    I wish you the very, very best of luck. KUDOS to you.