Greenhill escapee picked up near Yelm

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

CHEHALIS – A a Greenhill School escapee is back at the Chehalis facility after being found near Yelm yesterday.

The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office began scouring an area after an anonymous 911 caller said the 16-year-old boy was seen near Horizon-Pioneer Road about 2:30 p.m.

The teenager was incarcerated in the state juvenile institution for crimes such as motor vehicle theft, theft and burglary. Three weeks ago, staff discovered he was missing about 6:30 in the morning.

A pair of sheers were located inside the fence near where a  hole found cut.

Thurston County detective Sgt. Cheryl Stines said deputies yesterday didn’t find the youth at first but as they were driving around, spotted a vehicle with one occupant which is registered to the boy’s sister.

As the deputy followed, the vehicle sped up then the deputy saw there were two people in the car, Stines said.

The driver slammed on the brakes and the passenger jumped out, she said.

“The vehicle never stopped, it just kept going,” Stines said.

The deputy happened to be accompanied by his K-9 partner and when the 16-year-old didn’t stop running, the dog captured him, she said. He sustained only scratches, she said.

Stines said she didn’t know if the driver would be in any trouble for transporting the youth.

Greenhill School is a medium/maximum secure facility for older juvenile boys incarcerated for felonies and operated by the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration, under the state Department of Social and Health Services

The inmate, whose name was not released, has previous addresses from places such as Tenino, Rainier, Olympia and Roy.

The Chehalis Police Department is conducting the investigation into the escape.

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