Commentary: Judge Brosey said that?

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

Lewis County’s own Judge Richard Brosey is a featured guest columnist in the current issue of the Olimpian.

The occasionally published look at the “seamy underbelly of the local legal community, delivering all the news that is fit or unfit to print …” is produced by the Morgan Hill law firm in Olympia.

The brilliant writer Rob Hill is a lawyer, but he is also a one-time journalism major and a standup comedian.

So when you click to read Brosey’s editorial, “Who the hell do I have to sleep with in Olympia to get Tracy Mitchell a job in Thurston County?” you can figure out pretty quickly it’s make-believe.

Unlike the angry reader Hill said he got a call from yesterday calling him a racist and demanding a retraction of a clearly made up story.

You’ll find a small item on Paris Hilton and Olympia attorney Jim Dixon who is currently representing an aggravated first-degree murder defendant in Lewis County.

The two-page edition also lists nominees for the Morgan Hill 2010 Rock Star Award: among them, a senior deputy prosecutor in Grays Harbor County who earned his 15 minutes of fame by getting “doinked on the bean” by a murder defendant and Lewis County Prosecutor-elect Jonathan Meyer who … well, you can read it yourself.

Lewis County doesn’t get quite as much play as it did in the Dec. 2007 edition when the top of the fold, front page story highlighted an expected “misconduct contest” between Thurston County Prosecutor Ed Holm and Lewis County Prosecutor Michael Golden.

The contestants were to be awarded one point for each slap in the face from a female, three points for closed-fist punches from angry husbands, and so on.

Read the current issue of The Olimpian

Read The Olimpian from Dec. 2007

2 Responses to “Commentary: Judge Brosey said that?”

  1. Brittany says:

    This is so classic – LOL!