Notes from behind the news: Salkum boy recovering well

By Sharyn  L. Decker
Lewis County Sirens news reporter

Hi readers. It’s me, news reporter Sharyn Decker.

Just a quick note to tell you, the mother of the boy who was hit by a motorbike a little over two weeks ago at Orchard Drive in the Salkum area says he is doing great.

You can see her full comment by looking at the June 14 post, “Child airlifted after Salkum-area motorcycle accident”

You can find that by clicking on the category “News briefs” and moving backwards in time through “older entries” until you see that headline and then either click on the headline or click at the end where you see it says “1 comment”

Or, you should be able to search for that news story in the search box on the right side of the web site’s page.

Or, I could provide a link back to it I just now realized. Nearly all of this stuff doing a news web site is new to me. It’s a work in progress.

By the way, since I’m right here talking to you, I’ve been wanting to say thank you so much for reading the news here. Almost nothing makes me happier than when somebody reads a news story I write.

Lewis County Sirens so far has been just loads of fun to do. I’m not quite all the way up to speed yet, but am keeping so busy.

The news story you see here this weekend about the campaigns for sheriff, is just one of a handful of coming stories on the upcoming election. And today I was out off of South Scheuber Road where several fire departments and a contractor took care of demolishing a private school so a new one can be built.

I’m just now choosing a photograph and will post it all momentarily.

Yesterday I spent several hours working on a very … well, not exactly fun story, although I really enjoyed myself. I won’t tell you right now what it is, but expect it tomorrow.

Before I sign off here, I also want to say: if anybody has an idea for a news story, or if you simply have a news tip, don’t hesitate a minute to email me or call me. All my contact information is over there on the right side of the web page, under “Contact us at Lewis County Sirens”.

Back to work I go now.

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One Response to “Notes from behind the news: Salkum boy recovering well”

  1. pax says:


    You need a tip jar, esp since your ad spots aren’t yet filled. I’ve bookmarked you & intend to keep reading (boy do we need some competition to other news outlets in this county!) Put a tip jar out so you’ll be there for the long haul.